Downloadable Sermons
(3/5/17) - Philippians 2:14-15, John 15:1-5, Galatians 3:1-3 - Dependence on the Holy Spirit - Brock Youngren |

(2/25/17) - Luke 5:16, Matthew 13:44-46, Exodus 31:15 - Givign God Time - Brock Youngren |

(2/19/17) - Genesis 33 & 34 - What Holds Us Back from God's Glory? - Al Foote |

(2/12/17) - Genesis 3:1-5 - Beware of Talking Animals - Jay Rudolph |

(2/5/17) - Romans 5 - Baptism - Brock Youngren |

(1/29/17) - Philippians 2:14-15 - Grumbling - Brock Youngren |

(1/15/17) - Philippians 2:14-15 - Shine Like Lights - Brock Youngren |

(1/8/17) - Romans 12:1-2 & Philippians 2:14-15 - A Shining Light - Brock Youngren |

Listen In to "A Shining Light"