Downloadable Sermons
(9/2/18) - Proverbs 29:18 - Eternal Persepctive in Temporary World - Brock Youngren |

(8/26/18) - Luke 10:25-37 - Justifying Wrong Doings - Brock Youngren |

(8/19/18) - Matthew 25:14-30 - We, the Church, Love Our Community - Brock Youngren |

(8/12/18) - Ephesians 2:1-10 - From Death to Life - Nick Harsh |

(8/5/18) - Romans 1:16-17 & Galatians 1:6-9 - Loving Your Community Is... Gospel Centered - Brock Youngren |

(7/29/18) - Genesis 1:26-27 - Made in the Image of God - Brock Youngren |

(7/22/18) - Matthew 22:34-40 - We Love Our Community Because We Love Our God - Brock Youngren |

(7/8/18) - Galatians 5:13 & 6:2 - Serve People in Love, Beaing Their Burdens - Brock Youngren |

(7/1/18) - Matthew 25:31-46 - Serve People - Brock Youngren |

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