Downloadable Sermons
(10/26/14) - John 6:60-71 - Are You Jumping with Jesus? - Brock Youngren |

(10/19/14) - John 6:22-59 (Part 4) - Who's in Charge of Salvation? - Brock Youngren |

(10/12/14) - John 6:22-59 (Part 3) - The Works Are to Believe - Brock Youngren |

(10/5/14) - John 6:22-59 (Part 2) - Seek Jesus Because of Who He Is - Brock Youngren |

(9/28/14) - John 6:22-59 (Part 1)- Jesus Pushes Us - Brock Youngren |

(9/21/14) - John 6:16-21 - Terrifying & Peaceful at the Same Time - Brock Youngren |

(9/7/14) - John 6:1-15 - Jesus Asks the Impossible - Brock Yonugren |

(9/7/14) - John 5:39-40 - The Role & Importance of the Bible - Brock Youngren |

(8/31/14) - Psalm 73 - Why Does the "Evil" Get "More"? - Brock Youngren |

(8/24/14) - John 5:30-47 - Who Are You Seeking Approval From, People or God? - Brock Youngren |

(8/17/14) - John 5:19-29 - Do You Realize You Jesus Is? - Brock Youngren |

(8/3/14) - John 5:18 - What Christ's Deity Means for Christians - Brian Jones |

(7/27/14) - John 5:1-17 - "The Price - Go and Sin No More" - Brock Youngren |

(7/20/14) - John 4:46-54 - Do you Believe or Want a Genie? - Brock Youngren |

(7/13/14) - John 4:1-45 (Part 4) - Now, I Truly Believe - Jay Rudolph |

(7/6/14) - John 4:1-45 (Part 3) - Are You Energized for the Harvest? - Brock Youngren |

(6/29/14) - John 4:1-45 (Part 2) - Worship God in Spirit & in Truth - Brock Youngren |

(6/22/14) - John 4:1-45 (Part 1) - Jesus Satisfies - Brock Youngren |

(6/15/14) - John 3:22-36 (Part 3) - Conetentment in What God Gives - Brock Youngren |

(6/8/14) - John 3:22-36 (Part 2) - Jesus Must Increase & I Must Decrease - Brock Youngren |

(6/1/14) - John 3:22-36 (Part 1) - Who gets the Praise? - Brock Youngren |

(5/25/14) - John 3:16-21 - Loving Light or Loving Darkness - Brock Youngren |

(5/18/14) - John 3:1-15 - Success, Appealing to the World or Christ? - Brock Youngren |

(5/4/14) - John 2:13-25 - Are You Trusting God's Sign? - Brock Youngren |

(4/27/14) - John 2:13-25 - Is Your Anger Sinful? - Brock Youngren |

(4/20/14) - Luke 24:1-12 - WHOA! Where's Jesus? - Brock Youngren |

(4/13/14) - John 2:1-12 - The Best Is Yet To Come - Jay Rudolph |

(4/6/14) - Hebrews 12:1-2 - Run the Race - Tim Olson |

(3/30/14) - John 1:43-51 - High Cost, Following Jesus? - Brock |

(3/23/14) - John 1:35-42 - Are You Changing Clothes or Core? - Brock |

(3/16/14) - John 1:29-34 - If I Understand Who Jesus Is, What's My Role? - Brock |

(3/9/14) - John 1:19-28 - What is Your Perspective in Serving Christ? - Brock |

(3/2/14) - John 1:1-18 - Born of God to Live Like Him - Brock |

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